Saturday, December 28, 2019

The Effects Of Air Pollution On China - 1973 Words

In December of 2015, China was faced with a â€Å"red alert† for air pollution. In an article from The New York Times titled â€Å"Smog So Thick, Beijing Comes to a Standstill,† Edward Wong stated, â€Å"For many residents, the red alert...underscored the devil’s handshake that China has made in recent years: the trading of a healthy living environment for breakneck economic growth.† There are many negative consequences of air pollution. Vaclav Smil’s â€Å"Environmental Degradation in China,† describes the various problems that China’s environment is facing. Smil explains that â€Å"air pollution is a ubiquitous and particularly troublesome problem in virtually all of China’s large cities and industrials areas† (778). China’s polluted air, along with the disappearance of good farmland, forest depletion and water resources, are all areas of concern that Smil brings to attention. These areas should not concern only China’s population, but it should be concerning to everyone around the world. Not only does air pollution have a negative effect on the environment, but it also has negative effects on society, as well. Air pollution can be explained as a social problem since many of these environmental problems are possible ramifications of urbanization. As higher-class individuals make lifestyle choices that directly impact the environment in a negative way, the entire population suffers the consequences. Because of the damaging effects of air pollution, China must develop a way to remain urbanizedShow MoreRelatedA Major Area China s Air Pollution Effects On The Environment1568 Words   |  7 Pages A major area China s air pollution effects is the environment. With this in mind a way the pollution damages the environment is through acid rain (Air pollution in China). 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